Source: ESA Last January 28th, IVIDIL was finally deinstalled, and officially successfully finished. A space experiment, from the operative point of view, is always a great challenge, since so many people from so many different working fields and specialties are involved. The intervention and commitment of quite a big number of actors from the American, Canadian and European space agencies and teams have made possible quick and effective solutions to all issues found during the preparation and execution of this experiment. E-USOC has lead the task to coordinate scientific team needs and top industry developers knowledge and experience, also ... Read More
3 February, 2010E-USOC


Since the first system activation of the Microgravity Science Glovebox for SODI-IVIDIL on October 5th, the completion of the whole set of runs with the cell array #1 have been sucessfully performed, including some additional re-runs of the experiment. Source: NASA Today, astronaut Bob successfully achieved the SODI-IVIDIL cell array and flash disk exchange activity. After the comissioning, some pictures were taken to check that everything was nominal on the experiment and the optics. E-USOC team is ready to support operations with this new cell array, whose beginning is scheduled on December 1st. So far, we’re very pleased about the evolution of these ... Read More
28 November, 2009E-USOC